Our tutors

We’re absolutely delighted to have three top quality tutors for our song and mixed instrument workshops.

Roo Geddes and Neil Sutcliffe

Roo Geddes (fiddle player) and Neil Sutcliffe (accordionist) playing together

Roo (fiddler) and Neil (accordionists) will be teaching our mixed instrument workshops. They met as teenagers at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland’s Juniors’ School and have been playing and collaborating together ever since. Roo and Neil have a playful engaging energy in their playing and teaching.

Corrina Hewat

Corrina Hewat with her clarsach

Corrina Hewat, harper and singer, has been playing professionally for 30 years, rooted in traditional Scottish tunes and songs. She grew up in the Scottish Highlands, surrounded by music, art and stories in an expansive landscape which shaped her musical narrative.  Corrina now directs the Scots Folk choir Sangstream, co-directs the children’s theatre company DragonSong Productions and is also one of the musicians who compiled the “Folk Tunes from the Women”. Co-founder of The Unusual Suspects Big Band and Bachue with David Milligan and trios Grace, Hewat, Polwart; Shine; Chantan, she has worked with the very best of folk and has a gentle and rare way of coaxing the very best out of you – your voice, body, breath, into some good harmony sings.


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